Avoid these 7 real estate mistakes

Wanna know one of the best ways to learn? Take a look at the mistakes of others (or yourself!).

2023 was a year full of critical mistakes for many of us. But- it created A LOT of learning moments. Let’s dive into steering clear of those pitfalls in prepping for a stellar 2024.

Here are 7 Critical Real Estate Mistakes to Avoid:

1.) Waiting

Despite Buyers and sellers needing a professional agent more than ever, most agents are waiting for “something” right now. Whether it’s interest rates or market conditions that are causing the “waiting game”, remember that taking action is ALWAYS better than just sitting around. Your expertise is needed now more than ever, so seize the moment, and watch the results roll in!

2.) Excuses are OUT - Action is IN

Excuses won’t butter any bread. Instead of lamenting low turnouts or high-interest rates, focus on what really matters - adding value! Dedicate yourself to outshining yourself and everyone else! Don’t blame market conditions or rates for the reason why your business is lacking. Are you making excuses or making things happen? What about hosting more open houses than you ever have before? Why not geographically farm more households than ever before? Somebody is going to have their best year ever, why not you?

3.) Listen up, Talk Less

Selling isn’t just about talking. it’s about UNDERSTANDING. Ask the right questions to unearth your clients’ needs and desires. What keeps them up at night about the homebuying or selling process? When’s the perfect day for them to buy? Maximize your listening skills, it’s the secret sauce to serving your clients exceptionally well.

4.) Control the Controllable

Don’t lose sleep over what you can’t control. You can’t predict the market. You CAN control your conversations with potential clients. Interest rates might fluctuate, but your open houses can stay consistent. Your efforts can stay consistent. Your plan - CONSISTENT! Focus on what you CAN influence.

5.) Plan, Execute, Repeat

Plans are great, but action is better. Don’t just talk about your strategies - put them into play. Initiating action creates momentum, and momentum attracts business. Work your plan, and watch the energy build,

6.) Stay Connected, Seal The Deal

Assuming your clients are thinking of you as much as you’re thinking of them is a classic mistake. Regular check-ins, calls, and valuable content keep you top fo mind. Don’t miss out on deals by losing touch - commit to staying connected.

7.) Positive Vibes Only

Your vibe attracts your tribe! Surround yourself with positive, hardworking, client-focused agents. Avoid the negativty trap; it won’t get you anywhere. Choose your circle wisely, and you’ll find yourself serving at the highest level possible.

2024 is your year - steer clear of these mistakes, and let success be your compass!

Let’s do this!

xo –  KG 


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