how to achieve 3x referrals from your clients and coi: the remember me toolkit

Would you believe me if I told you that your relationship with your client begins at the closing table?

It’s true. That’s when the relationship really starts.

Today we’re going to talk about how to generate referrals from your clients at 2x or 3x the number you’ve been doing. This is something we’ve been focusing on here at Fountain Mortgage with our client database. Don’t let the word “database” scare you- these are your clients. These are your people, the people that know and like you. These are the people that you’ve already done business with. The ones that are the easiest to get repeat business from, and they are the people that are going to refer you new business.

 I talk to dozens of real estate agents a week, and almost invariably when I ask, “Where does your business come from?” Most agents say, “from my referrals. From my referral network. From my clients.”

 So, what separates those who are getting some referrals in an ad hoc kind of way from those who are generating referrals in a regular, steady, new way that is constantly feeding the top of that pipeline – is a system.

 Do you have a system for staying on top of your clients?

Do you have a system for keeping top of mind?

If you want one, that’s what I’m here to help you with today.

 The Remember Me Toolkit

Here at Fountain Mortgage, we’ve developed something called a “Remember Me Toolkit”. This an approach we’ve designed to provide you with a systematic way to connect with your database.

 This concept originates from Gary Keller. He says for every 500 people that you touch 33x a year in all different ways, you can expect 2 closed transactions for every 12.

 Let me break it down for you.

If you have 500 people in your database, and you are in-touch with them 33x consistently throughout the year, you’ll generate 83 closed transactions if you follow that plan and stay consistent. It’s simple but it’s not easy.

 The Remember Me Toolkit is a step-by-step plan of how to touch your clients 33x in meaningful ways that keep them thinking of you and referring you when real estate needs arise in their lives or in the lives of their friends and family.

 This toolkit contains some different components, including email marketing, texting, social media, postcards, events and more. I’m here to help you put this all together in one cohesive plan on a calendar. I can also provide you with a lot of that content!

This is something I love to provide to my realtor partners. If this is something you’d like to explore, please reach out to me!

We’d love to set up a brief meeting to sit down with you, go through the toolkit, and show you how to start generating those referrals at 2-3x what you’ve experienced in past years.

 When new business doesn’t come from strangers, you MUST lean into your existing clients. Please reach out to me today to discuss your Remember Me Toolkit!

 Let’s Go!

xo –  KG



Let’s get reel.


quality conversations: master this skill for a full pipeline!