5 Effective Communication Tips For Realtors

I’m going to give it to your straight, here. If you’re struggling with referrals, it’s probably because you’re not an effective communicator. The tactics I use to effectively communicate with my referral partners and clients are the same for you, as realtors!

You cannot, and will not, grow your business if your communication skills are lacking.

Here’s 5 tips that will help you out.


You have to ACTIVELY listen to understand the needs of everyone involved in a transaction. For example, if you have a buyer that’s absolutely in love with a property- here’s what you do. Call the listing agent. Ask questions and find out what’s most important for the seller. Their answer may surprsie you, especially because it’s not always “PRICE”. Use their answer to help. Discuss with your client and then BOOM- you’re one step closer to securing the deal. And it’s based on more than just your offer price, but your offer as a whole!


Regularly update ALL parties to the transaction. And when I say ALL, I mean all. Agents, lenders, attorneys, clients…. all informed every step of the way. When everyone is kept in the loop, this eliminates misconveptions and assumptions.


Your voice may say one thing, but your non-verbals (body language, lack of response, etc) can say something completely different. Make sure that your non-verbals are matching the message you’re trying to convey. What you say and how you act should align 100%.


Not all transactions are smooth and easy. Sometimes there are tough conversations to be had. Make sure you handle the tough topics and talks with respect. Reacting emotionally when things get heated is a deal killer… not to mention a reputation killer and a fast way to ensure you aren’t getting a referral.


No, I don’t mean hold it in your hand and send a text message. Sure, texting can be great. But pick up your phone and actually jump on a call. Having conversations is key! This fosters a better understanding for all parties involved.

Being a great communicator is so important. It directly influences your ability to build relationships, understand client needs, and ultimately secure deals. It establishes trust and rapport. When clients feel heard and understood, they’re more likely to engage. And that means repeat business + referrals for you!

If you focus on becoming an exceptionally effective communicator, you will thrive in this business.

Let’s go!

xo –  KG 


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