23 ways to generate leads in this market

Generating leads is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of any sales role- especially real estate!

These leads are the lifeblood of your business.

Without a pool of leads, and a heavy pipeline- you’ll find it even harder to survive in this market. Effective lead generation strategies can significantly enhance an agent’s success by expanding their network, increasing visibility, and ultimately, driving revenue!

I’m here to help you. Here’s a list of 23 fool-proof ways to generate leads.

 1.       Social media posts:  consistent educational posts & videos every week to grow your audience and to demonstrate your knowledge. 

2.       Sphere of influence:  Take 1 person out to lunch or coffee every single week to re-network your network.

3.       Expired listings:  building an expired listing campaign that systemizes the process of finding and helping these homeowners.  Call 6–18-month-old expired listings to see what their plans are.

4.       Host a quarterly FTHB seminar:  nearly half of the buyers in 2022 were FTHBs according to NAR.  Educating and nurturing these prospective buyers through “one to many” selling opportunities like a webinar is an excellent way to grow your business.

5.       Optimize your Google My Business Page:  it’s critical to optimize your online presence because most people will research you online before reaching out.  This credibility is essential.

6.       Host a going away party for your favorite sellers.  It’s a great way to meet their friends and neighbors.  Offer to pay for a party and the invitations, and consider having a lender or title agent pitch in to offset the cost.

7.       Host a housewarming party for buyers.  This celebration of your clients completing their home purchase is ripe with opportunity.  Have them invite their friends and family, and cover the expenses with a lender, title rep or insurance agent.

8.       Join a lead sharing group like BNI.  Finding a consistent networking group with keep you busy and focused on generating more opportunities for yourself and others.

9.       Call FSBOs:  we all know they are going to have trouble selling without a professional who can properly market and guide them.  Add value and demonstrate why they should give you a shot.

10.   Homelight:  this lead gen company matches buyers and sellers with agents based on their experience in the area indicated as a specialty in their bios.  They look at statistics and reviews to connect you with new opportunities.

11.   Ojo: this lead gen company requires 3 years of experience and a minimum of 25 transactions in the last 12mos.  They take a 30% referral fee but they provide high-quality leads.

12.   Redfin Referral Network:  Redfin generates more leads than their salaried agents can handle and they have a referral fee between 33-40%.

13.   UpNest:  this is a source for listings leads.  They require 3+ years of experience and 6+ transactions in the last 12 months.  You compete against other agents for listing opportunities via a proposal that is provided to the potential seller.

14.   Agent Pronto:  a lead gen source with no requirements.  You create a profile as a way for potential buyers to review and decide if you’re the right fit for them.

15.   Fast Expert:  lead gen source based on your online presence, reviews, performance and other qualities that are on your profile.

16.   Geographical farming:  this is a 6-12mo commitment, but it works, you have to stay committed.

17.   Circle prospecting with a recent sale:  calling local owners and neighbors to inform them of your sale is an easy conversation starter.

18.   Call buyers from 2019:  they are sitting on a lot of equity and might have some life-changes prompting them to move-up or relocate.

19.   Call AirB&B owners:  many are always looking for the next deal and will be open to selling if you bring them a buyer with the right price.

20.   Help Top Producers with their overflow leads.  Believe it or not, many top-producers are still very busy and don’t have time or the right systems to follow up.  They’d be willing to pay you a referral fee for the extra help.

21.   Call renters for buyer leads.  Consider talking to a local insurance agency and marketing to their list of renters with insurance policies expiring within the next 90 days.

22.   YouTube videos educating prospects on your market.  Become the local expert and people will find you.  Talk about the schools, the pros of living in your market and how you are an expert who can help them make the right decision for their family.  YouTube is the second most popular search engine behind google!

23.   Unsolicited CMA Videos:  use Loom or BombBomb to record a video for your clients who are seeing the most appreciation.  These videos spark interest for those considering a move in the next 6-12 months.

Believe it or not, these are just a few of the (relatively) easy ways you can amp up your leads!

And don’t forget, I am here to help you in any way that I can!

Let’s Go!

xo –  KG



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