4 ways to generate new leads!

Here are 4 fool proof ideas for Generating New Leads!

 We’re ALWAYS looking for ways to generate leads and keep that pipeline full. The best way to do that is actually pretty simple: Double down on your database and meet new people!

The more people you add to the top of your sales funnel, the higher probability you have to always have a steady and consistent pipeline.

Here are 4 lead gen tactics to consider:

1)      Home Seller Seminar: Notice I said Home SELLER and not home BUYER. Sure, people have been doing home buying seminars for a long time and there’s a good reason why: it works. It’s a simple way to get in front of more people. But it remains a seller’s market. With lack of inventory, why not host a seminar encouraging homeowners to SELL? Predictions show that by 2025, there will be a lot first-time sellers entering the market. You can become their Go-to educational source by hosting a home seller seminar so that they can be prepared and know what to expect when selling their first home! I promise you, there’s a huge lack of knowledge surrounding expectations here- so this will definitely help them and help YOU to stand out from the pack! (TIP: The #1 thing on a seller’s mind is “where am I going to go?”. You can be a resource for them and educate them.)

2)      Corporate Home Buyer Presentation: Is there a company that you would love to present to? The best way to do this: get to know their Human Resources lead! Not sure where to start? Here’s a sample script to get your foot in the door. “Hi ________! I’m ______ and I’m a local realtor and KC real estate expert. Did you know that employees that own a home have a 92% rate of staying with their company longer? Can I bring a lunch to your staff and present the journey to homeownership? You can take all of the credit and I’ll tell them that you called me!” Then, you can host a lunch & learn and have access to a high number of potential new buyers!

3)      Co-Working Spaces: There are plenty of places around the city that are collaborative workspaces! Each of these has plenty of small business that hold their offices there. Consider this: What if you could get in front of a room of 30-40 small biz owners all at once? To navigate this, approach the owner or front desk representative about an opportunity to host a seminar happy hour where you provide snacks (& cocktails, if you’d like!). Tip: Try targeting the spaces that have more of a “techy” vibe!

4)      Investor Seminar for Families + Young Children: Who in your database has young kids? Consider hosting an investor seminar! “House Hacking” is on everyone’s mind right now. And, for families with young children, there a lot of expenses down the road, including college! During this seminar, you can discuss how investing in real estate (mutli unit properties, rentals, etc) is a fabulous way to create additional income streams to offset costs of childcare, college, and more. You could easily promote this event with a tag line such as, “So, you want to buy a rental?”

These are just a few of the ways to get your name + face in front of more people. My recommendation is to choose one of these tactics, get good at it, and stick to it! Let me know if you need additional ideas for lead generation! I’m here for you.

Remember, more leads = more touchpoints = a fuller funnel = more business!

xo –  KG



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