Motivate your benchwarmer clients!

Let’s get those clients in the starting line-up. How do we get them to buy now? This is always a challenge. But right now, things are particularly difficult.

Home applications are at an all-time low. This is the lowest they’ve been since the mid 90’s!

At the same time, interest rates are at the highest they’ve been in 20 years.

And a lot of buyers are sitting on the bench, waiting for the coach to tag them into the game. They’re waiting for home prices and interest rates to go down.

What’s important to recognize is that you likely have clients right now that simply CANNOT AFFORD TO WAIT.

Maybe they have a growing family and they need more space.

Maybe their current home just doesn’t make sense for them.

Maybe they’re renting, and they just can’t justify it any longer when they could be paying their OWN mortgage instead of someone else’s.

If your client can afford the monthly mortgage payment- NOW is the best time for them to buy. Not later. Not when the market changes. And, it will. Rates will shift. The market will inevitably change.

But when those rates do drop, any potential leverage that your clients have now will likely diminish. Everyone will come rushing back into the market. There will be more bidding wars and less opportunity for your buyers.

Of course, motivating them is always easier said than done- but the narrative to your clients is simple:

If you can find a home you LOVE (and you can afford the payment), BUY IT NOW.

Refinancing is always an option for later when rates DO come down.

Buy today, refinance tomorrow.

Put ‘em in the game, coach!

Let’s Go!

xo –  KG



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