Ask any successful real estate producer how they got their start, and they will invariably say, “Open houses.” 

But why are so many agents quick to dismiss them as tedious, boring, and a waste of time? Because, well, I’m just gonna say it - they’re doing them wrong.  

The first step to slaying your next open house and picking up new buyers is shifting your mindset. Instead of asking yourself, “What is this open house going to do for me?” Ask yourself, “Am I ready to take on the extra business this open house will bring me?” 

You have only two objectives at each open house: 

  1. Making a memory. 

  2. Making an appointment. 

If you’re unforgettable you’re also hirable. 

The most important thing you can do at every open house is to break down that natural “wall” that most people have up when they walk through the door. They don’t want to give you their phone number or email address. They don’t want to tell you if they are already working with an agent. So don’t lead with these questions. Work on connecting on a human level and position yourself as a helpful advisor and friendly expert.  

Here's 5 ways to put people at ease and to start a conversation: 

  1. Ask them to sign in via text and send them a full-color neighborhood and property report website via text link. You’re immediately providing value, and they are less resistant to sharing their contact info. 

  2. Provide pre-printed thank you cards with a gift card to gather mailing addresses and to make thank you notes easy to mail the next day. Let visitors know that one envelope will be chosen at random to receive the gift card in the mail.  

  3. Host an “Open House Treasure Hunt.” Hide a figurine, troll, funny sunglasses, unicorn, or something similar in the house. Tell visitors that the “thing” is hidden in plain sight (no need to open drawers, cabinets, etc). Instruct attendees to discreetly snap a photo of themselves with the item and either 1) post it to Facebook and tag you or 2) text you the photo. You’ll get their contact info and they will relax and have fun. 

  4. Set up a coloring station for kids with a coloring sheet with your info on it. Snap a photo of the finished art sheets and pick a winner to announce on social media for a McDonald’s gift card. 

  5. Gift small doggy treat bags. People love their dogs as much as they love kids (if not more). 

Following these simple tips will make you memorable. And that will make you hirable. 

Next week….Open House Follow-Up Strategies! 

Let’s Go!



open house follow-up - the right way


It’s critical to control the narrative on home affordability