open house follow-up - the right way

You’ve just completed an awesome open house and used my tips from last week to make a ton of connections and generated new leads – CONGRATS!  

But if you stop there, you just did a lot of work for nothing. It’s all about the follow-up! Here’s the framework for the perfect open house follow-up: 

  • Monday – Thank you email. No sales. Short and sweet. Make is personal and specific. 
    “Hi Sarah - It was so great meeting you and your mom on Sunday at the house on Orchard Road. I can’t believe our moms are from the same hometown….what a small world! You two look like you have a lot of fun together. Thanks again for stopping by!” 

  • Wednesday – The “Oh I forgot to tell you” email. This is one of my favorite tactics. Include something like a new or similar listing that you’d be happy to show them. Or offer a price analysis on their current home. 
    “Sarah, I forgot to tell you that we have a lot of new houses coming on the market and I can often give you a heads up on listings before they hit the market. Also, I’m always happy to offer a free price analysis on your current home, whether you’re thinking of selling or not. It’s just always good to know how much equity you have to use on either a down payment on your next one or to do some home improvements that you may have in mind. Just reach out if I can help anytime!” 

  • Thursday – MOST IMPORTANT. Call and connect. Offer to show them homes this weekend that are not open. Setting appointments is the priority. 
    “Hi Sarah, it’s Katie. It was so good visiting with you at the open house last weekend. I wanted to reach out to let you know that I can show you and your mom houses that are not open to the public this weekend. We could spend a couple hours and hit at least 3 to 5 houses in your target neighborhoods and price range. Would that make sense as a next step for you?” 

Only 10% of sales people make 3 or more contacts. But 80% of all sales happen between the 8th and 12th contact. Be the 10%! Keep calling. AND add new contacts to your CRM and put them on an email drip campaign specific to their situation. 

xo –  




Let’s motivate your buyer!
