Let’s motivate your buyer!

Have you ever wished you had the magic words that would get your clients off the sidelines quicker?

Do you wish that your clients would be motivated to increase their bids to more closely match up with the seller's needs? Wouldn’t it be great if your clients were fully equipped to compete with other offers?

I can help with your customers who may be on the fence or delaying a purchase.

Many customers are missing opportunities in real estate. They fail to realize the impact of changing interest rates and appreciation while they are waiting.

Please review the below sample "Cost of Waiting" analysis. (And keep in mind, this can all be easily customized!)

How much will it cost your clients to wait 1, 2 or 3 years?

These charts compare all of the costs and payments if you were to take out your loan today, versus 1, 2 and 3 years.

Many of my clients have become more motivated and willing to increase offers after reviewing this powerful co-branded report. This could be exactly what it take things to the next level with your clients and get them ready to make a move!

I am happy to create a custom “Cost of Waiting” analysis for your potential buyers!

If you'd like to set up a call to review, please contact me.

Let’s Go!

xo –  KG



quality conversations: master this skill for a full pipeline!


open house follow-up - the right way